Welcome to "Mental Health-ish". This podcast is dedicated to women who are seeking to redefine life by prioritizing their mental health and exploring all aspects of their well-being. Join us as we dive deep into conversations about mental health, self-discovery, personal growth, relationships, career, and everything in between. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space where women can freely explore their challenges, triumphs, and aspirations. Each episode features insightful interviews, empowering stories, and practical advice from experts in various fields or people from all walks of life. Get ready to redefine what wellness means for you and embark on a transformative journey towards thriving on your own terms. It's time to embrace your mental health and unlock your limitless potential.
In this episode, we unpack how our internal narratives often exaggerate the challenges of everyday tasks, making even simple chores feel overwhelming. We explore how reframing our thoughts can lead to action. We also discuss the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones, especially when it comes to making new connections and friendships.
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Everyone. Welcome back to Mental Health-ish. I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day just passed. Yes, I am recording this late and I usually upload my episodes late, so I'm sorry for that. But yeah, I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day.
Speaker 1:
I think I didn't do anything for Valentine's Day. I think I ended up going to work. I think it fell on a Thursday right or Friday, so, anywho, I just went to work, so I didn't do anything special or fun, but it was a nice day, pretty chill, pretty chill. Anywho, one of the things that has been sticking out to me this week that I kind of wanted to talk about was how sometimes we put off doing difficult things, like we procrastinate not just procrastinate with, like things that we need to do, but I'm talking about putting off or avoiding situations that cause us to feel anxious. Putting off situations that cause us to feel anxious. Anywho, I think one of the things that kind of got me thinking about this is Kylie Perkins yes, kylie Perkins, and uh, if you're on TikTok, you might have come across videos by Kylie Perkins or about Kylie Perkins, but, anywho, this lady on TikTok she's a lady on TikTok who started making videos where she's literally screaming at you, the viewer, or whatever, to motivate you to get up and start cleaning your house.
Speaker 1:
So that's literally all she does. At first I was confused because I kept coming across people's videos, where they were, you know, showing videos of their clean house or whatever, and they were saying, wow, all it took was Kylie Perkins yelling at me to get this done, or, thank you, kylie Perkins, you know things like that. So I was like who the heck is Kylie Perkins and what are they talking about? And so I started doing like you know my little, looking for videos and stuff like that on TikTok, going down the rabbit hole, and I found the videos of this lady named Kylie Perkins, who I guess her videos are meant to motivate you into like doing things that you're just putting off, like chores, cleaning up your house, things like that.
Speaker 1:
But she's also trying to change the way that you think about these things and so, like, one of the things that she was saying was, washing dishes isn't hard or, you know, wiping down a table isn't in itself like a hard thing to do, right, it's pretty easy. Vacuuming, like all of these little things that we do around the house, like, when you think about it like they're not really that hard. So she's like so why are we not doing it? And so she started talking about how it's the things that we tell ourselves in that moment where we don't feel like doing something, so something as simple as like wiping a table down or whatever. It's the things that we tell ourselves that make that thing or situation hard or seem hard. Not that it's hard because it's not right, it's like a simple thing that we might need to do. But the things that we tell ourselves to make things seem harder than they are. And then we just lose the motivation and we just don't feel like doing whatever it is that we need to do, like cleaning the table, etc.
Speaker 1:
So this lady is literally making videos yelling at people to encourage them and motivate them to get up and get things done. Get things done that they've been procrastinating or like not wanting to do so. She'll literally be on the video and say, okay, it's time to wash these dishes. Come on, we need to get up, we need to wash these dishes, like your kids don't deserve, you know, dirty dishes or whatever. And she's literally yelling while she's doing this. She's literally yelling so damn, like I guess that's that's what it takes, right? A lot of people that watch these videos have commented and they're like okay, like getting up, going to wash my dishes now. This is the motivation that I needed. So I thought that was very interesting because it is somewhat true A lot of the times, like we talk ourselves out of doing things that we don't want to do or that we're feeling a little uncomfy with doing and we need, like that extra push. But then I was thinking like why can't we be our own, like inner, like motivational, like screaming voice, like right, like we're not going to scream at ourselves, but why can't we motivate ourselves to do these things that we don't want to do sometimes? But yeah, I started thinking about that and I've been guilty of it. I've, you know, talked myself out of doing things so many times, like too many times to count this year. So one of the goals that I had for this year was to try to get out more, try to meet new people, make new friends, make new mom friends.
Speaker 1:
In the area I'm in the Inland Empire and come to find out there's a lot of social groups, if that makes sense, like there's a lot of different mom groups, and I'm sure it's the same with every city. So wherever you're located, I'm sure you could find like groups of women or moms or you know, people that have same interest as you to hang out with and do things with. So I found a lot of like mom groups online for people that want to make friends or people like kind of just to socialize. I guess that's why I called them social groups, because it's pretty much like open to anybody who's interested, right Like to meet others to hang out. So, for example, I just recently found an Inland Empire girls hiking group and so this group of women, for example, meet up on Saturday mornings or Sundays, you know whatever the day, and they all meet up in the morning and they go do a hike, for example.
Speaker 1:
So there's a lot of different groups like that that do different things for people like me who maybe don't have a lot of friends or don't have family to hang out with or, you know, are just recovering from social anxiety or whatever. And so I found like a lot of these different groups where I really want to put myself out there and kind of get out of my comfort zone and like make new friends and meet new people, and so that was one of my goals this year was to be a little more social and put myself out there and just kind of see what happens, see who I meet, because when you do put yourself out there, you kind of like things will happen, like once you get over that initial, like fear and anxiety about things, like things will happen, you'll meet people, you'll make friends, because that's another thing is that I found out is that a lot of us want friends, a lot of us need that, some type of social interaction and most of the time we don't have it, and most of the time we get caught up in our routines and write our busy work schedules, kids, and so a lot of the time we don't have it, and most of the time we get caught up in our routines and right Our busy work schedules, kids, and so a lot of the times, like we end up staying to ourselves inside at home, things like that. And so I I feel like that's something that we all have more in common than we think is wanting more friends and wanting to be more social. So, anyhow, I found all of these groups and there's already been a couple of times where I kind of talk myself out of going to some of these events that these groups host. And so I know I still have like a little social anxiety about it and I'll start coming up with like all of these excuses as to why I shouldn't go. Or you know, you know what I mean, like if you've ever been in that situation where you're kind of talking yourself out of doing something or doing something new. So, for example, I signed up for this vision board workshop I guess vision board workshop with this group of women I don't know anyone, but it's like a friend making group you know like I've been talking about.
Speaker 1:
I signed up for a vision board thing back in January and I remember when the day came, I felt so anxious. I felt so anxious Not only was I tired because I worked the day before, but I started kind of talking myself out of it. I was still recovering from being sick. Like if you've listened to the past episodes, you know I've been. I was sick like all of January. So I started kind of talking myself out of it, like telling myself things like I'm tired. You know I went to work last night maybe I should stay home and sleep like just kind of making all of these excuses. I don't want to drive it's far, which it wasn't even that far, but you know it was a little drive and so I ended up not going and then I kind of like regretted it after because it looked like it was a lot of fun. I saw pictures online and things like that.
Speaker 1:
But anywho, yeah, I'm sure we've all been in like those situations where we're just kind of avoiding something, whether it be like a situation that makes us uncomfortable or, you know, being socially anxious about going somewhere, all sorts of things and you, the more that you avoid those situations that make you feel anxious and scared, I feel like the worse that it gets. You know, because you're kind of keeping yourself safe in that situation, which will give you some relief in that moment. Like, yes, like you're going to feel good in that moment and comfy, maybe at home or whatever. But then when the next situation comes, is anything going to be different? And the answer is probably no, like you're probably still going to feel anxious and scared the next time it comes up, and so are you really going to live in fear or feeling scared, you know, forever just going to go and just kind of see what happens, and most of the time it's not as bad as we feel that it's going to be. Most of the time it's not as bad as we feel that it's going to be, and it's just the things that we tell ourselves in that moment to make ourselves feel scared if that makes sense, the things that we tell ourselves to make things seem harder than they actually are, and so that's something that you have to notice, like, the next time that you're feeling scared or anxious about something is really trying to push yourself right To just do it and then kind of see how you feel after and just reminding yourself that it's not scary and you could do it.
Speaker 1:
Pushing ourselves sometimes can be beneficial and we could learn a lot from being in these uncomfortable situations, because then at the end of the day, are we going to feel regret or guilty for not doing something or not. You know, meeting this person or whatever the situation is like. Are we gonna feel guilt or regret after? And sometimes we do so. Yeah, that was like my big spiel.
Speaker 1:
Um, I actually was recording this episode before my work shift in my car and then we got a work call, so I paused it and now I'm resuming the recording.
Speaker 1:
So I kind of lost my spiel and my train of thought of what I was saying, but I know I was talking about how sometimes we talk ourselves out of doing things that we're uncomfortable with doing, and so I hope that you were able to resonate with anything that I said in this episode and just kind of thought about yourself and your own past situations.
Speaker 1:
Or maybe you've talked yourself out of doing something or getting outside of your comfort zone and just seeing that maybe it could be beneficial. You know to sometimes push ourselves to do new things or just put ourselves out there and you just never know who you might meet or what you might. Yeah, it might not be as bad as maybe it feels like it is, and I hope that you try something new or put yourself out outside of your comfort zone after listening to this. But, yeah, remember to subscribe, like and share. Thank you so much for listening and check out my website for all past episodes and this podcast is also available on all platforms spotify, apple, amazon all that good stuff and so I hope that you guys enjoy and check out the social media pages as well mental healthish, mentalhealthishcom and thank you guys for listening.